
Saturday, December 19, 2020

When I started this training, I was stuck in a place that I now see was holding me back not only from myself but from other better opportunities for my growth. On this day, one yogi said, “We can grow so much that we outgrow the spaces we are currently confined to.” This resonated with me so much. I had recognized this pattern and am now in a position to reflect on that journey. I feel encouraged to know that when I’m feeling those feelings and instincts in the moment, I should honor them and respect the alarm they are sounding for me.

“Spiritual and relational entrepreneurship will free us from capitalism.” I have always felt this way but never knew it until another yogi said this. I never knew the name of the force that everyone was bound by, and I now understand a big (huge) part of that force is capitalism. More than that, though, I’ve always felt like my relationships and connections and mere interactions with other humans (and animals and plants, too! cause puppies) are the essence and purpose of our lifetimes. I passed a mural in Homewood the other day that I had not noticed before on a route I have driven multiple times a week for over 2 years. It read, “THE PEOPLE ARE THE LIGHT.” It’s just so true. Our connections with others – energetic, spiritual, emotional, religious, interpersonal, sexual, physical, and more – are light personified.

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