
The Sutras and Pranayama

What an evening! First of all, I didn’t know how present I would be because I had just arrived at my son’s house immediately before class started; and I had trouble even getting on the internet. Plus I knew my granddaughter would be home soon and I wouldn’t get to see her much because of her bedtime. On top of that, it’s just hard for me to sit still sometimes.

All that aside, it was a meaningful discussion all around. I continue to be amazed at how well our leaders make everybody feel welcome and at ease sharing their thoughts. It was weirdly comforting that others’ impressions of the Sutras were in some ways as nebulous as mine, and I feel led to revisit 1 – 35 at least one more time before I write my reflection on it.

The comments about breathwork and how it has served each person in such unique ways really had my attention. I’m working toward being more intentional about including a few minutes of pranayama at the end of all my practices. Tonight motivated me even more.

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