
***Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book 3 (1-18)***4/13

The third book is about accomplishments which come as a by products of yoga practice (supernatural powers).  These powers begin to come with the practice of the final 3 limbs of Raja yoga: concentration, meditation, and contemplation.  The sutras that connected with me the most are the following:






My perspective: These sutras are higher level and take a great deal of discipline.  I am interested and understand that this is a process.  Patanjali explains this as so. It’s almost challenging to put in to words because it’s a higher level of discipline of the mind that most of us have not gotten too.  When we do get to it’s more wisdom to cultivate it. I’m excited and joyous to be learning this.  I honor this and believe it is sacred to have access to.

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