
***Yamas*** 11/17

The five yamas are ahimsa (practice of non-violence), satya (truthfullness), Asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (moderation), and aparigraha (non-coveting). The practicing of yamas helps prevent our energy to be used in a draining way. The yamas help us towards a healthier, balanced, peaceful and wholesome life.

The yama that stands out for me is brahmacharya. When I practice moderation in my spiritual, physical and emotional life I am able to conserve my energy which can then be used for higher spiritual purposes. Some things I like to practice in moderation relate eating, thinking and expression of my emotions. I sometimes overindulge in foods to fill an empty void or maybe even when I am bored. I overthink sometimes knowing that my overthinking will not change the circumstances. I occasionally do not express my emotions and then later over express them. Finding that balance of moderation will help me in my journey. I know that because I am aware of this imbalance, I will be able to honor making time for moderation in my physical, spiritual and emotional life.

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